Outback Mental Health Issues
Mental health issues affect almost one million people living in rural and remote areas, around one in five people.
The barriers around treatment are:
- ๐ฅ Stigma attached to mental illness,
- ๐ฅ Social isolation,
- ๐ฅ Language and cultural challenges, and
- ๐ฅ Access to facilities and services.
Those living in rural and remote communities access mental health services at one fifth the rate of people in cities, and on average have double the rate of suicide. Most risk of suicide are farmers, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are 1.7 more likely to be hospitalised than non-Indigenous people. 95% of Aboriginal people in Australia are affected by a suicide Aboriginal people are 6 Times More Likely to commit suicide, compared to non-Aboriginal people. The Kimberley region has one of the highest suicide rates in the world. For Aboriginal people 15-35 years, suicide is the leading cause of death – one in 3 deaths is suicide.