Do You Want Cookies ?
Computer cookies are small files used by web servers to save browsing information, allowing websites to remember your device, browser preferences, and associated online activity. What are computer cookies?
As you can see, cookies can benefit both the internet user and the website, but are they safe for our devices?
: Third-party cookies seek out data regarding your online activity to send back to website owners looking to improve advertisements.
Are cookies safe?
Under normal circumstances, cookies cannot transfer viruses or malware to your computer. Because the data in a cookie doesn’t change when it travels back and forth, it has no way to affect how your computer runs.
However, some viruses and malware may be disguised as cookies. For instance, “super cookies'' can be a potential security concern, and many browsers offer a way to block them. A “zombie cookie” is a cookie that recreates itself after being deleted, making them tough to manage. Third-party tracking cookies can also cause security and privacy concerns, since they make it easier for parties you can’t identify to watch where you’re going and what you’re doing online.
For this reason, you might want to know how to delete computer cookies from your browser. How to enable or delete computer cookies
You might be surprised to learn that finding and managing cookies on computers can be as easy as 1-2-3:
As you can see, most browsers have become increasingly open to letting us take control of our data and who has access to it.
Banning all browser cookies could make some websites difficult to navigate. However, controlling or limiting third-party and tracking cookies can help improve your privacy and personal cybersecurity while still making it possible to shop online and carry out similar activities.
Our thanks to Norton for providing the above information.
The Marquee Story.
Our dedicated legion of workers have spent long hours in the heat of the outback, at fairs and stalls, valiantly helping multitudes of people to enrich their lives.
They needed some protection from the heat, the rain, and the chilling winds that bite through to their very bones. They needed a Marquee, but their funds were as dry as summer. They needed a sponsor.
It took a long time, with designs, and decorations, and changes of minds, and dedications, but it had to be just right, and then it appeared at last, and we thank you all.
Our Very Special Thanks Goes To Rotary, and the generous donation that made it all possible.